Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 20 Oct 2011 08:07 and updated at 20 Oct 2011 08:07
Taittariya | 2.2.1: All beings that rest on the Earth are born verily from food. Besides, they live on food, and at the end, they get merged in food. Food was verily born before all creatures; therefore it is called the medicine for all, those who worship food as Brahman acquire all the food. Food was verily born before all creatures; therefore it is called the medicine for all. Creatures are born of food; being born, they grow by food. Since it is eaten and it eats the creatures, it is called food. |
Taittariya | 3.1.1: Bhrigu, the well known son of Varuna, approached his father Varuna with the (formal) request, O, revered sir, teach me Brahman. To him he Varuna() said this: Food, vital force, eye, ear, mind, speech (these are the aids to knowledge of Brahman). To him he Varuna() said: Crave to know that from which all these beings take birth, that by which they live after being born, that towards which they move and into which they merge. That is Brahman. He practised concentration. He, having practised concentration, |
Taittariya | 3.10.1,2: His vow is that he should not refuse anyone come for shelter. Therefore one should collect plenty of food by whatsoever means he may. (And one should collect food for the further reason that) they say, Food is ready for him. Because he offers cooked food in his early age with honour, food falls to his share in the early age with honour. Because he offers food in his middle age with medium courtesy, food falls to his share in his middle age with medium honour. Because he offers food in his old age with scant esteem, food falls to his share in old age with scant consideration. To him who knows thus (comes the result as described). |
Prashna | 1.14: Food is nothing but the Lord of all creatures. From that indeed issues that human seed. From that are born all these beings. |
Prashna | 2.10: O Prana, when you pour down (as rain), then these creatures of yours continue to be in a happy mood under the belief, Food will be produced to our hearts content. |