Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 20 Oct 2011 08:04 and updated at 20 Oct 2011 08:04
Taittariya | Suppose there is a young man in the prime of life, good, learned, most expeditious, most strongly built, and most energetic. Suppose there lies this Earth for him filled with wealth. This will be one unit of human joy. If this human joy be multiplied a hundred times, it is one joy of the man Gandharvas, and so also of a follower of the Vedas unaffected by desires. If this joy of the man Gandharvas be multiplied a hundred times, it is one joy of the divine Gandharvas, and so also of a follower of the Vedas unaffected by desires. If the joy of the divine Gandharvas be increased a hundredfold, it is one joy of the manes whose world is everlasting, and so also of a follower of the Vedas unaffected by desires. If the joy of the manes that dwell in the everlasting world be increased a hundredfold, it is one joy of those that are born as gods in Heaven, and so also of a follower of the Vedas untouched by desires. If the joy of those that are born as gods in Heaven be multiplied a hundredfold, it is one joy of the gods called the Karma Devas, who reach the gods through Vedic rites, and so also of a follower of the Vedas unaffected by desires. If the joy of the gods, called the Karma Devas, be multiplied a hundredfold, it is one joy of the gods, and so also of a follower of the Vedas untarnished by desires. If the joy of the gods be increased a hundred times, it is one joy of Indra, and so also of a follower of the Vedas unaffected by desires. If the joy of Indra be multiplied a |