
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 20 Oct 2011 10:47 and updated at 20 Oct 2011 10:47


ChandogyaUpa1 7 Heaven is ut, the sky is gi, the Earth is tha. The sun is ut, the air gi, the fire, tha. The Sama Veda is ut, the Yajur Veda gi, the Rig Veda tha. For him, speech yields the milk which is the benefit of speech. And he becomes rich in food; and an eater of food, who knows thus and meditates on the syllables of Udgitha namely, ut, gi and tha.
ChandogyaUpa2 2 Prajapati brooded on the worlds. From them, thus brooded upon, issued forth the threefold Veda (as their essence). He brooded on this. From this, thus brooded upon, issued forth the syllables Bhuh, Bhuvah and Svah.
ChandogyaUpa3 2,3 The eastern rays of that sun are its eastern honey cells; the Riks are the bees, (the ritual of) the Rig Veda is the flower and those Waters are the nectar. Those very Riks (the bees) pressed this Rig Veda. From it, thus pressed, issued forth as juice, fame, splendour (of limbs), (alertness of) the senses, virility, and food for eating.
ChandogyaUpa3 1 And its southern rays are its southern honey cells. The Yajus verses are the bees. The Yajur Veda is the flower; and those Waters are the nectar.
ChandogyaUpa3 2 Those very Yajus verses pressed this Yajur Veda. And from it, thus pressed, issued forth as juice, fame, splendour of limbs, alertness of the senses, virility, and food for eating.
ChandogyaUpa3 1 And its western rays are its western honey cells. The Samans are the bees. The Sama Veda is the flower; and those Waters are the nectar.
ChandogyaUpa3 2 Those very Samans pressed this Sama Veda. From it, thus pressed, issued forth as juice, fame, splendour of limbs, alertness of the senses, virility, and food for eating.
ChandogyaUpa3 1 And its northern rays are its northern honey cells. The Mantras of the Atharva Veda are the bees. The Itihasa and the Purana are the flower; and those Waters are the nectar.
ChandogyaUpa3 2 Those Mantras of the Atharva Veda pressed this Itihasa Purana. From it, thus pressed, issued forth as juice, fame, splendour of limbs, alertness of the senses, virility, and food for eating.
ChandogyaUpa3 7 Then, when I said, I take refuge in Svah I said only this I take refuge in the Rig Veda, I take refuge in the Yajur Veda, I take refuge in the Sama Veda yea, that was what I said.
ChandogyaUpa7 2 Revered sir, I know the Rig Veda, the Yajur Veda, the Sama Veda and the Atharvanas the fourth, the Itihasa Purana as the fifth, grammar, the rules for the worship of the ancestors, mathematics, the science of portents, the science of treasures, logic, the science of ethics, etymology, the ancillary knowledge of the Vedas, the physical sciences, the science of war, the science of the stars, the science related to serpents, and the fine arts all this I know, revered sir.
ChandogyaUpa7 4 Name indeed is Rig Veda, (so also) Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and the Atharvana as the fourth, the Itihasa Purana as the fifth, grammar, the rules of the worship of the ancestors, mathematics, the science of portents, the science of treasures, logic, the science of ethics, etymology, the ancillary knowledge of the Vedas, the physical science, the science of war, the science of the stars, the science related to serpents, and the fine arts name alone is all this. Worship the name.
ChandogyaUpa7 1 Speech surely is greater than name. Speech indeed makes us understand the Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, Atharvana as the fourth, Itihasa Purana as the fifth, grammar, the rules of the worship of the ancestors, mathematics, the science of portents, the science of treasures, logic, the science of ethics, etymology, the ancillary knowledge of the Vedas, the physical science, the science of war, the science of the stars, the science related to serpents, and the fine arts also Heaven and Earth, air and Akasa, Water and fire, Devas and men, cattle and birds, grasses and trees, beasts down to worms, flying insects and ants, merit and demerit, true and false, good and bad, pleasant and unpleasant. Verily, if speech did not exist, neither merit nor demerit would be understood, neither true nor false, neither good nor bad, neither pleasant nor unpleasant. Speech alone makes us understand all this. Hence() worship speech.
ChandogyaUpa7 1 Understanding surely is greater than contemplation. By understanding alone one understands the Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, Atharvana as the fourth, Itihasa Purana as the fifth, grammar, the rules for the worship of the ancestors; mathematics, the science of portents, the science of treasures, logic, the Vedas, the physical science, the science of war, the science of the stars, the science related to serpents, and the fine arts also Heaven and Earth, air and Akasa, Water and fire, Devas and men, cattle and birds, grasses and trees, beasts down to worms, flying insects and ants, merit and demerit, true and false, good and bad, pleasant and unpleasant, food and drink, this world and the next (all this) one understands by understanding alone. Worship understanding.
ChandogyaUpa8 1 Brahma expounded this to Prajapati. Prajapati to Manu and Manu to his descendants. He who has read the Veda according to the prescribed rule, in the time left over after performing his duties to the teacher, he who after having come back from the teacher s house, settles down in his household, continues the study of the Veda in a clean place, and has virtuous sons and disciples, he who withdraws all his senses into the Atman, who practises non injury to all beings except in places specially ordained, he who behaves thus throughout his life reaches the world of Brahman and does not return again yea, he does not return again.

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