Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 20 Oct 2011 10:31 and updated at 20 Oct 2011 10:31
ChandogyaUpa1 | 3 Then Silaka Salavatya said to Caikitayana Dalbhya, If you permit, I shall question you Question said he. |
ChandogyaUpa1 | 6 Then Silaka Salavatya said to Caikitayana Dalbhya O Dalbhya, your Saman is not indeed established. If someone one were to say, "Your head shall fall down", surely your head would fall down |
ChandogyaUpa1 | 8 Pravahana Jaivali said to him, O Salavatya, your Sama, really, has a further end. If someone now were to say, "Your head shall fall down", surely your head would fall down. Salavatya() Will you permit me, sir, to learn (this of you Learn said Jaivali(). |
ChandogyaUpa1 | 1 Salavatya() What is the essence of this world Akasa said Pravahana(); All these beings arise from Akasa alone and are finally dissolved into Akasa; because Akasa alone is greater than all these and Akasa is the support at all times. |