
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 20 Oct 2011 10:13 and updated at 20 Oct 2011 10:13


ChandogyaUpa3 4 And (he who is in) that which is the northern door of this (heart), is Samana. He is the mind, he is Parjanya (the rain god). This Brahman( called Samana) should be meditated upon as fame and grace. He who meditates thus becomes famous and graceful.
ChandogyaUpa5 1 Parjanya is indeed the fire, O Gautama. Of that, the air is the fuel, the cloud is the smoke, the lightning is the flame, the thunderbolt is the embers, and the rumblings of thunder are the sparks.
ChandogyaUpa5 2 Samana being satisfied, the mind is satisfied; the mind being satisfied, Parjanya (rain god) is satisfied; Parjanya being satisfied, lightning is satisfied; lightning being satisfied, whatever is under lightning and Parjanya is satisfied. Through its satisfaction the eater himself is satisfied. (He is satisfied) also with offspring, cattle, food, lustre and the holy effulgence born of sacred wisdom.

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