
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Oct 2011 12:48 and updated at 21 Oct 2011 12:48


BrihadArUpa3 1 Aum. Janaka, Emperor of Videha, performed a sacrifice in which gifts were freely distributed. Vedic scholars from Kuru and Panchala were assembled there. Emperor Janaka of Videha had a desire to know, Which is the most erudite of these Vedic scholars He had a thousand cows confined in a pen, and on the horns of each cow were fixed ten Padas (of gold).
BrihadArUpa3 19 Yajnavalkya said Sakalya, is it because you know Brahman that you have thus flouted these Vedic scholars of Kuru and Panchala I know the quarters with their deities and supports If you know the quarters with their deities and supports

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