
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Oct 2011 12:34 and updated at 21 Oct 2011 12:34


BrihadArUpa3 2 The Prana (nose) indeed is the Graha; it is controlled by the Atigraha, the Apana (odour), for one smells odours through the Apana (the air breathed in).
BrihadArUpa3 4 The tongue indeed is the Graha; it is controlled by the Atigraha, taste, for one knows tastes through the tongue.
BrihadArUpa3 5 The eye indeed is the Graha; it is controlled by the Atigraha, colour, for one sees colours through the eye.
BrihadArUpa3 6 The ear indeed is the Graha; it is controlled by the Atigraha, sound, for one hears sounds through the ear.
BrihadArUpa3 7 The mind indeed is the Graha; it is controlled by the Atigraha, desire, for one wishes desires through the mind.
BrihadArUpa3 8 The hands indeed is the Graha; it is controlled by the Atigraha, work, for one does work through the hands.
BrihadArUpa3 9 The skin indeed is the Graha; it is controlled by the Atigraha, touch, for one feels touch through the skin. These are the eight Grahas and eight Atigrahas.

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