Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 11 Oct 2011 14:48 and updated at 11 Oct 2011 14:48
tkl.1.2.01 | The other orders Three that rule professed maintain. |
tkl.1.2.01 | He will be called a (true) householder, who is a firm support to the virtuous of the Three orders in their good path. |
tkl.1.2.08 | That equity which consists in acting with equal regard to each of (the Three) divisions of men Enemies[, Strangers and Friends] is a pre eminent Virtue. |
tkl.1.3.12 | If the very names of these Three things, Desire, Anger, and confusion of Mind, be destroyed, then will also perish Evils (which flow from them). |
tkl.2.1.01 | These Three for aye to rulers of the land belong. |
tkl.2.1.01 | These Three things, viz., Vigilance, learning, and Bravery, should never be wanting in the ruler of a country. |
tkl.2.1.21 | And things by Three confirmed as truth you know. |
tkl.2.1.21 | Let a King employ Spies so that one may have no Knowledge of the other; and when the information of Three agrees together, let him receive it. |
tkl.2.2.05 | Love, Knowledge, Power of chosen words, Three things, |
tkl.2.2.05 | Love (to his Sovereign), Knowledge (of his affairs), and a discriminating Power of Speech (before other Sovereigns) are the Three sine qua non qualifications of an Ambassador. |
tkl.2.2.05 | Who hath these Three for envoy s task is fit. |
tkl.2.2.05 | He may go on a mission (to foreign rulers) who has combined in him all these Three. viz., (natural) sense, an attractive bearing and well tried learning. |
tkl.2.2.05 | The qualifications of him who faithfully delivers his Sovereign( s) message are purity, the support (of foreign Ministers), and boldness, with truthfulness in addition to the (aforesaid) Three. |
tkl.2.3.22 | The learned books count Three, with wind as first; of these, |
tkl.2.3.22 | If Food( and work are either) excessive or deficient, the Three things enumerated by (medical) writers, Flatulence, Biliousness, and Phlegm, will cause (one) Disease. |
tkl.2.4.01 | In these Three things the men of noble birth fail not: |
tkl.2.4.01 | The high born will never deviate from these Three; good Manners, Truthfulness and Modesty. |
tkl.3.1.01 | Or fawn s shy glance? All Three appear In form of Maiden here. |
tkl.3.1.01 | Is it Yama, (a pair of) Eyes or a hind Are not all these Three in the looks of this maid |