Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 11 Oct 2011 14:47 and updated at 11 Oct 2011 14:47
tkl.1.1.01 | Save they the Purely Wise One s feet adore. |
tkl.2.1.09 | One way to promote the prosperity of an Enemy, is (for a King) to set out (to war) without having thoroughly weighed his ability (to cope with its chances). |
tkl.2.1.21 | One Spy must not another see: contrive it so; |
tkl.2.3.10 | One should fear the deceitful who smile sweetly with their face but never Love with their Heart. |
tkl.2.3.12 | One who would teach a fool will (simply) betray his folly; and the fool would (still) think himself "wise in his own conceit". |
tkl.2.3.19 | One must ascertain the character of the ill natured Women who after ascertaining the Wealth (of a man) speak (as if they were) good natured ones, and avoid Intercourse (with them). |
tkl.2.4.03 | One s light is the abundance of one s courage; one s Darkness is the Desire to live destitute of such (a state of mind.) |
tkl.2.4.08 | One s family is raised by untiring perseverance in both effort and wise contrivances. |
tkl.2.4.10 | One may sleep in the midst of fire; but by no means in the midst of Poverty. |
tkl.2.4.12 | One thing I beg of Beggars all, If beg ye may, |
tkl.3.1.02 | One glance is glance that brings me pain; the other heals again. |
tkl.3.2.09 | One day the fervent pressure of embracing arms I checked, |
tkl.3.2.12 | One day will seem like Seven to those who watch and yearn |
tkl.3.2.17 | One day we silent sulked; he sneezed: The reason well I knew; |