Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 11 Oct 2011 14:19 and updated at 11 Oct 2011 14:19
tkl.1.2.11 | Like those who longing lurk their Neighbour s gate without. |
tkl.1.2.11 | Among all those who stand on the outside of Virtue, there are no greater fools than those who stand outside their Neighbour s door. |
tkl.1.2.11 | Who, not a whit reflecting, seek a Neighbour s Wife. |
tkl.1.2.11 | Hatred, sin, fear, disgrace; these Four will never leave him who goes in to his Neighbour s Wife. |
tkl.1.2.11 | At least, tis good if Neighbour s Wife he covet not. |
tkl.1.2.15 | If Neighbour he defame not, there s good within him still. |
tkl.1.2.17 | Though good thy Soul forget, plot not thy Neighbour s fall, |
tkl.1.3.05 | By fraud I will my Neighbour of his Wealth bereave. |
tkl.1.3.05 | Who Neighbour s goods Desire, and watch for his unguarded hour. |
tkl.1.3.08 | Though ill to Neighbour wrought should glorious pride of Wealth secure, |
tkl.2.4.03 | Greatness will hide a Neighbour s shame; |
tkl.2.4.10 | They cause their Neighbour s salt and vinegar to die. |
tkl.2.4.10 | The destitute poor, who do not renounce their bodies, only consume their Neighbour s salt and Water. |
tkl.2.4.13 | The sound the secret out in every Neighbour s ear. |