Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 11 Oct 2011 14:19 and updated at 11 Oct 2011 14:19
tkl.1.2.03 | When Mother hears him named fulfill d of Wisdom s lore, |
tkl.1.2.03 | The Mother who hears her Son called "a wise man" will rejoice more than she did at his birth. |
tkl.2.2.03 | Though a Minister may see his Mother starve; let him do not act which the wise would (treat with contempt). |
tkl.2.3.20 | The Drunkard s joy is Sorrow to his Mother s Eyes; |
tkl.2.4.10 | The Mother even that bare, estranged, will turn her face. |
tkl.3.1.07 | Manures it; my Mother s word doth Water it. |