
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 11 Oct 2011 14:11 and updated at 11 Oct 2011 14:11


tkl.2.4.09 The Maiden, Earth, will laugh at the sight of those who plead Poverty and lead an idle life.
tkl.3.1.01 This Female Beauty returning my looks is like a celestial Maiden coming with an Army to contend against me.
tkl.3.1.01 He comes in Lovely Maiden s guise, With Soul subduing Eyes.
tkl.3.1.01 Or fawn s shy glance? All Three appear In form of Maiden here.
tkl.3.1.01 The silken cincture s folds invest This Maiden s panting Breast.
tkl.3.1.01 The cloth that covers the firm bosom of this Maiden is (like) that which covers the Eyes of a rutting Elephant.
tkl.3.1.03 Ambrosia are the simple Maiden s arms; when I attain
tkl.3.1.04 More tender s the Maiden beloved by me.
tkl.3.1.04 For like another Moon this Maiden s face appears.
tkl.3.1.04 Are any spots discerned in face of Maiden here?
tkl.3.1.04 As the thorn are harsh, by the delicate feet of this Maiden pressed.

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