Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 11 Oct 2011 14:03 and updated at 11 Oct 2011 14:03
tkl.2.1.01 | And duly for his Kingdom s weal expends. |
tkl.2.1.07 | As a King must use his Ministers as Eyes (in managing his Kingdom), let him well examine their character and qualifications before he engages them. |
tkl.2.3.01 | A Kingdom is that in which (those who carry on) a complete cultivation, virtuous persons, and merchants with inexhaustible Wealth, dwell together. |
tkl.2.3.01 | A Kingdom is that which is Desire for its immense Wealth, and which grows greatly in prosperity, being free from destructive causes. |
tkl.2.3.01 | A Kingdom is that which can bear any burden that may be pressed on it (from adjoining Kingdoms) and (yet) pay the full tribute to its Sovereign. |
tkl.2.3.01 | A Kingdom is that which continues to be free from excessive starvation, irremediable Epidemics, and destructive Foes. |
tkl.2.3.01 | A Kingdom is that which is without various (irregular) associations, destructive internal Enemies, and murderous savages who (sometimes) harass the Sovereign. |
tkl.2.3.01 | The learned say that the best Kingdom is that which knows no Evil (from its Foes), and, if injured (at all), suffers no diminution in its Fruitfulness. |
tkl.2.3.01 | The constituents of a Kingdom are the Two Waters (from above and below), well situated Hills and an undestructible Fort. |
tkl.2.3.01 | Freedom from Epidemics, Wealth, produce, happiness and protection (to subjects); these Five, the learned, say, are the Ornaments of a Kingdom. |
tkl.2.3.01 | The learned say that those are Kingdom whose Wealth is not laboured for, and those not, whose Wealth is only obtained through labour. |
tkl.2.3.03 | Wealth that falls to him as heir, Wealth from the Kingdom s dues, |