
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 11 Oct 2011 13:51 and updated at 11 Oct 2011 13:51


tkl.1.1.01 No Fruit have men of all their studied lore,
tkl.1.1.01 Affects not them the Fruit of deeds done ill or well.
tkl.1.1.04 The Fruit of Virtue need not be described in books; it may be inferred from seeing the bearer of a palanquin and the rider therein.
tkl.1.2.01 What Fruit from other modes of Virtue can he gain?
tkl.1.2.04 The union yields one Fruit, the life of Love alone.
tkl.1.2.04 They say that the union of Soul and body in man is the Fruit of the union of Love and Virtue (in a former birth).
tkl.1.2.05 To reckon up the Fruit of kindly deeds were all in vain;
tkl.1.2.06 Is, leaving sweet ripe Fruit, the sour unripe to choose.
tkl.1.2.06 To say disagreeable things when agreeable are at hand is like eating unripe Fruit when there is ripe.
tkl.1.2.07 Each benefit to those of actions Fruit who rightly deem,
tkl.1.2.07 Though the benefit conferred be as small as a millet seed, those who know its advantage will consider it as large as a Palmyra Fruit.
tkl.1.2.09 Should one throughout a single birth, like a tortoise keep in his Five senses, the Fruit of it will prove a safe guard to him throughout the Seven fold births.
tkl.1.2.14 That Fruit matured yields never good Desired.
tkl.1.2.16 If speak you will, speak words that Fruit afford,
tkl.1.3.05 Yields as its Fruit undying pain.
tkl.1.3.05 The eager Desire of defrauding others will, when it brings forth its Fruit, produce undying Sorrow.
tkl.1.3.12 Purity (of mind) consists in Freedom from Desire; and that Freedom( from Desire) is the Fruit of the Love of truth.
tkl.2.2.03 All that has been obtained with Tears (to the victim) will depart with Tears (to himself); but what has been by fair means; though with loss at first, will afterwards yield Fruit.
tkl.2.3.08 What Fruit from ancient Friendship s use?
tkl.2.4.04 What Fruit doth your perfection yield you, say!
tkl.2.4.06 The Wealth of him who is disliked (by all) is like the Fruit bearing of the etty tree in the midst of a Town.
tkl.3.1.04 The Anicham and the Feathers of the Swan are to the feet of Females, like the Fruit of the (thorny) Nerunji.
tkl.3.2.05 Of Love the stoneless, luscious Fruit obtains.
tkl.3.2.05 The Women who are beloved by those whom they Love, have they have not got the stone less Fruit of sexual delight
tkl.3.2.14 If Women have a Lust that exceeds even the measure of the Palmyra Fruit, they will not Desire (to feign) dislike even as much as the millet.
tkl.3.2.16 Love without hatred is ripened Fruit;
tkl.3.2.16 Without some lesser strife, Fruit immature.
tkl.3.2.16 Sexual Pleasure, without prolonged and short lived dislike, is like too ripe, and unripe Fruit.

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