
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 11 Oct 2011 13:51 and updated at 11 Oct 2011 13:51


tkl.1.2.07 Forsake thou never Friends who were thy stay in Sorrow sore!
tkl.1.2.08 That equity which consists in acting with equal regard to each of (the Three) divisions of men Enemies[, Strangers and Friends] is a pre eminent Virtue.
tkl.1.2.15 Speak words that sever Hearts, and drive choice Friends away.
tkl.1.2.15 Whose nature bids them faults of closest Friends proclaim
tkl.1.2.15 What will those not do to Strangers whose nature leads them to publish abroad the faults of their intimate Friends
tkl.1.2.16 Than deeds to Friends ungracious done offendeth more.
tkl.1.2.16 To speak useless things in the presence of many is a greater Evil than to do unkind things towards Friends.
tkl.1.3.03 Destruction to his Foes, to Friends increase of joy.
tkl.1.3.03 If (the Ascetic) Desire the destruction of his Enemies, or the aggrandizement of his Friends, it will be effected by (the power of) his austerities.
tkl.2.1.01 An Army, People, Wealth, a Minister, Friends, Fort: Six things
tkl.2.1.01 He who possesses these Six things, an Army, a People, Wealth, Ministers, Friends and a Fortress, is a Lion among Kings.
tkl.2.1.07 As Friends the men who Virtue know, and riper Wisdom share,
tkl.2.1.07 Cherish the all accomplished men as Friends,
tkl.2.1.07 As cherished Friends, is greatest power that with a Monarch dwells.
tkl.2.1.07 Who lacks support of Friends, knows no stability.
tkl.2.1.08 (True) greatness fears the society of the base; it is only the low minded who will regard them as Friends.
tkl.2.1.09 With chosen Friends deliberate; next use the private thought;
tkl.2.1.09 There is nothing too difficult to (be attained by) those who, before they act, reflect well themselves, and thoroughly consider (the matter) with chosen Friends.
tkl.2.1.10 The force of Friends; these should he weigh ere to the War he goes.
tkl.2.1.15 The Crows conceal not, call their Friends to come, then eat;
tkl.2.1.15 Those who have been Friends and have afterwards forsaken him, will return and join themselves (to him), when the cause of disagreement is not to be found in him.
tkl.2.1.20 Those who Desire (to cultivate that degree of) urbanity which all shall Love, even after swallowing the poison served to them by their Friends, will be Friendly with them.
tkl.2.1.21 His officers, his Friends, his Enemies,
tkl.2.2.01 Attach more firmly Friends, of severed ones can heal the breaches wide.
tkl.2.2.01 The Minister is one who can effect discord (among Foes), maintain the good will of his Friends and restore to Friendship those who have seceded (from him).
tkl.2.2.02 The Minister( s) Speech is that which seeks (to express) elements as bind his Friends (to himself) and is so delivered as to make even his Enemies Desire (his Friendship).
tkl.2.2.06 Who think We re ancient Friends and do unseemly things;
tkl.2.3.06 Tis the unison of feeling Friends unites of kindred mind.
tkl.2.3.06 Though Friends may praise one another saying, "He is so intimate with us, and we so much (with him)"; (still) such Friendship will appear mean.
tkl.2.3.07 Tis staff that measures out one s Friends.
tkl.2.3.07 For Friends the men who Friends in time of grief forsake.
tkl.2.3.07 Of Friends deserting us on ruin s brink,
tkl.2.3.08 Of what avail is long standing Friendship, if Friends do not admit as their own actions done through the right of intimacy
tkl.2.3.08 When Friends unbidden do familiar acts with loving Heart,
tkl.2.3.08 Friends take the kindly deed in Friendly part.
tkl.2.3.08 If Friends, through the right of Friendship, do (anything) without being asked, the wise will be pleased with them on account of its desirability.
tkl.2.3.08 Esteem it, when your Friends cause you distress.
tkl.2.3.08 If Friends should perform what is painful, understand that it is owing not only to ignorance, but also to the strong claims of intimacy.
tkl.2.3.08 Association with the old familiar Friends.
tkl.2.3.08 Those who stand within the limits (of true Friendship) will not even in adversity give up the intimacy of long standing Friends.
tkl.2.3.08 True Friends, well versed in loving ways,
tkl.2.3.08 Those who have (long) stood in the path of affection will not give it up even if their Friends cause (them) their ruin.
tkl.2.3.08 To those who understand that by which they should not listen to (tales about) the faults of their Friends, that is a (Profitable) day on which the latter may commit a fault.
tkl.2.3.08 Friendship of old and faithful Friends,
tkl.2.3.08 For ancient Friends, their wonted kind regard.
tkl.2.3.09 Who when you thrive are Friends, and when you fail depart?
tkl.2.3.09 These are alike: the Friends who ponder Friendship s gain
tkl.2.3.09 Than Friends like that to dwell alone is better far.
tkl.2.3.09 It is far better to avoid that to contract the Evil Friendship of the base who cannot protect (their Friends) even when appointed to do so.
tkl.2.3.09 Who in the house are Friends, in hall are slandering Foes.
tkl.2.3.10 The Friendship of those who behave like Friends without inward affection is a Weapon that may be thrown when a favourable opportunity presents itself.
tkl.2.3.10 The Friendship of those who seem to be Friends while they are not, will change like the Love of Women.
tkl.2.3.10 Though (one s) Foes may utter good things as though they were Friends, once will at once understand (their Evil, import).
tkl.2.3.10 When time shall come that Foes as Friends appear,
tkl.2.3.11 Their Foes feed full, their Friends are prey to hunger sore.
tkl.2.3.14 No kinsman s Love, no strength of Friends has he;
tkl.2.3.15 Whose worthy rule can change his Foes to Friends.
tkl.2.3.15 Relate not your suffering even to Friends who are ignorant of it, nor refer to your weakness in the presence of your Foes.
tkl.2.3.16 And qualities of Friends who treacHerous act, will be your bane.
tkl.2.3.18 Aid not their Friends in need, nor acts of charity perform.
tkl.2.3.18 Those who yield to the wishes of their wives will neither relieve the wants of (their) Friends nor perform virtuous deeds.
tkl.3.2.04 It would be good to be said of me that I have turned sallow, if Friends do not reproach with UnKindness him who pleased me (then).
tkl.3.2.15 The ruined have no Friends, they say; and so, my Heart,
tkl.3.2.15 O my soul! do you follow him at Pleasure under the belief that the ruined have no Friends?

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