Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 11 Oct 2011 13:00 and updated at 11 Oct 2011 13:00
tkl.1.3.03 | Destruction to his Foes, to Friends increase of joy. |
tkl.1.3.08 | Though unprovoked thy Soul malicious Foes should sting, |
tkl.2.1.05 | Its inner strength man s eager Foes Unshaken will defy. |
tkl.2.1.06 | If, to your Foes unknown, you cherish what you Love, |
tkl.2.1.07 | Than hate of many Foes incurred, works greater woe |
tkl.2.1.10 | The force the strife demands, the force he owns, the force of Foes, |
tkl.2.1.11 | The King that Foes would crush, needs fitting time to fight. |
tkl.2.1.11 | If Foes detested form they see, with patience let them bear; |
tkl.2.1.12 | They find, protect themselves, and work their Foes offence. |
tkl.2.1.12 | The Foes who thought to triumph, find their thoughts were vain, |
tkl.2.1.25 | The bliss to which his Foes in vain aspire. |
tkl.2.2.01 | A Minister is he whose power can Foes divide, |
tkl.2.2.01 | The Minister is one who can effect discord (among Foes), maintain the good will of his Friends and restore to Friendship those who have seceded (from him). |
tkl.2.2.09 | Many indeed may (fearlessly) die in the presence of (their) Foes; (but) few are those who are fearless in the assembly (of the learned). |
tkl.2.2.09 | The learning of him who is diffident before an assembly is like the shining Sword of an hermaphrodite in the presence of his Foes. |
tkl.2.3.01 | A Kingdom is that which continues to be free from excessive starvation, irremediable Epidemics, and destructive Foes. |
tkl.2.3.01 | The learned say that the best Kingdom is that which knows no Evil (from its Foes), and, if injured (at all), suffers no diminution in its Fruitfulness. |
tkl.2.3.02 | A Fort is Wealth to those who act against their Foes; |
tkl.2.3.02 | A Fort is an object of importance to those who march (against their Foes) as well as to those who through fear (of pursuers) would seek it for shelter. |
tkl.2.3.02 | A Fort is that which has an extensive space within, but only small places to be guarded, and such as can destroy the courage of besieging Foes. |
tkl.2.3.02 | A Fort is that which has all (needful) things, and excellent Heroes that can help it against destruction (by Foes). |
tkl.2.3.02 | A Fort should be impregnable to Foes who gird it round, |
tkl.2.3.02 | At outset of the strife a Fort should Foes dismay; |
tkl.2.3.03 | The spoils of slaughtered Foes; these are the royal Revenues. |
tkl.2.3.03 | Unclaimed Wealth, Wealth acquired by Taxes, and Wealth (got) by conquest of Foes are (all) the Wealth of the King. |
tkl.2.3.03 | Accumulate Wealth; it will destroy the arrogance of (your) Foes; there is no Weapon sharper than it. |
tkl.2.3.04 | Well taught with marshalled ranks to meet their coming Foes. |
tkl.2.3.04 | An Army can triumph (over its Foes) if it is free from diminution; irremediable Aversion and Poverty. |
tkl.2.3.05 | Ye Foes! stand not before my lord! for many a one |
tkl.2.3.05 | O my Foes, stand not before my leader; (for) many are those who did so but afterwards stood (in the shape of) statues. |
tkl.2.3.05 | Its edge is Kindness to our suffering Foes. |
tkl.2.3.06 | What things are there so difficult to acquire as Friendship What guards are there so difficult to break through by the efforts (of one s Foes) |
tkl.2.3.09 | From Foes Ten Million fold a greater good you gain, |
tkl.2.3.09 | Who in the house are Friends, in hall are slandering Foes. |
tkl.2.3.10 | The words of Foes will speedily be known. |
tkl.2.3.10 | Though (one s) Foes may utter good things as though they were Friends, once will at once understand (their Evil, import). |
tkl.2.3.10 | Since the bending of the bow bespeaks Evil, one should not accept (as good) the humiliating Speeches of one s Foes. |
tkl.2.3.10 | A Weapon may be hid in the very hands with which (one s) Foes adore (him) (and) the Tears they shed are of the same nature. |
tkl.2.3.10 | It is the duty of Kings to affect great Love but make it die (inwardly); as regard those Foes who shew them great Friendship but despise them (in their Heart). |
tkl.2.3.10 | When time shall come that Foes as Friends appear, |
tkl.2.3.10 | When one s Foes begin to affect Friendship, one should Love them with one s looks, and, cherishing no Love in the Heart, give up (even the former). |
tkl.2.3.11 | Their Foes feed full, their Friends are prey to hunger sore. |
tkl.2.3.12 | Than aught that even Malice of their Foes can bring. |
tkl.2.3.12 | The suffering that fools inflict upon themselves is hardly possible even to Foes. |
tkl.2.3.14 | In the estimation of Foes miserably weak is he, who is timid, ignorant, unsociable and niggardly. |
tkl.2.3.14 | No grace of good he owns; such man s his Foes delight. |
tkl.2.3.14 | (A) pleasing (object) to his Foes is he who reads not moral works, does nothing that is enjoined by them cares not for reproach and is not possessed of good qualities. |
tkl.2.3.14 | His Foes rejoice, for none with kindred claim. |
tkl.2.3.14 | He will become Friendless who is without (any good) qualities. and whose faults are many; (such a character) is a help to (his) Foes. |
tkl.2.3.14 | Who ve luck to meet with ignorant and timid Foes. |
tkl.2.3.14 | There will be no end of lofty delights to the victorious, if their Foes are (both) ignorant and timid. |
tkl.2.3.15 | Make not the men whose ploughs are words your Foes! |
tkl.2.3.15 | Whose worthy rule can change his Foes to Friends. |
tkl.2.3.15 | He who is alone and helpless while his Foes are Two should secure one of them as an agreeable help (to himself). |
tkl.2.3.15 | Relate not your suffering even to Friends who are ignorant of it, nor refer to your weakness in the presence of your Foes. |
tkl.2.3.15 | The joy of one s Foes will be destroyed if one guards oneself by knowing the way (of acting) and securing assistance. |
tkl.2.3.16 | Dread not the Foes that as drawn Swords appear; |
tkl.2.3.16 | Friendship of Foes, who seem like Kinsmen, fear! |
tkl.2.3.16 | Fear not Foes (who say they would cut) like a Sword; (but) fear the Friendship of Foes (who seemingly act) like relations. |
tkl.2.4.04 | Stooping (to inferiors) is the strength of those who can accomplish (an undertaking); and that is the Weapon with which the great avert their Foes. |
tkl.3.1.01 | On her bright brow alone is destroyed even that power of mine that used to terrify the most fearless Foes in the Battlefield. |