Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 11 Oct 2011 12:53 and updated at 11 Oct 2011 12:53
tkl.2.3.19 | The wise say that to such as are destitute of discerning sense the embraces of faithless Women are (as ruinous as those of) the celestail Female. |
tkl.3.1.01 | Is this Jewelled Female a celestial, a choice peahen, or a human being My mind is perplexed. |
tkl.3.1.01 | This Female Beauty returning my looks is like a celestial Maiden coming with an Army to contend against me. |
tkl.3.1.01 | I never knew before what is called Yama; I see it now; it is the Eyes that carry on a great fight with (the help of) Female qualities. |
tkl.3.1.03 | The embraces of a Gold complexioned beautiful Female are as pleasant as to dwell in one s own house and live by one s own (earnings) after distributing (a portion of it in charity). |
tkl.3.1.03 | As (one s) ignorance is discovered the more one learns, so does repeated Intercourse with a well adorned Female (only create a Desire for more). |
tkl.3.2.13 | Unusually great is the Female simplicity of your maid whose Beauty fills my Eyes and whose shoulders resemble the Bamboo. |
tkl.3.2.13 | To express their Love sickness by their Eyes and resort to begging bespeaks more than ordinary Female excellence. |