Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 11 Oct 2011 11:49 and updated at 11 Oct 2011 11:49
tkl.1.1.03 | The Anger of those who have ascended the Mountain of goodness, though it continue but for a moment, cannot be resisted. |
tkl.1.1.04 | That conduct is Virtue which is free from these Four things, viz, Malice, Desire, Anger and bitter Speech. |
tkl.1.2.09 | Virtue, seeking for an opportunity, will come into the path of that man who, possessed of learning and self control, guards himself against Anger. |
tkl.1.3.07 | He restrains his Anger who restrains it when it can injure; when it cannot injure, what does it matter whether he restrain it, or not |
tkl.1.3.07 | Anger is bad, even when it cannot injure; when it can injure; there is no greater Evil. |
tkl.1.3.07 | Forget Anger towards every one, as fountains of Evil spring from it. |
tkl.1.3.07 | Is there a greater Enemy than Anger, which kills both laughter and joy |
tkl.1.3.07 | If a man would guard himself, let him guard against Anger; if he do not guard it, Anger will kill him. |
tkl.1.3.07 | The fire of Anger will burn up even the pleasant raft of Friendship. |
tkl.1.3.07 | Destruction will come upon him who ragards Anger as a good thing, as surely as the hand of him who strikes the ground will not fail. |
tkl.1.3.07 | Though one commit things against you as painful (to bear) as if a bundle of fire had been thrust upon you, it will be well, to refrain, if possible, from Anger. |
tkl.1.3.07 | If a man never indulges Anger in his Heart, he will at once obtain whatever he has thought of. |
tkl.1.3.07 | Those, who give way to excessive Anger, are no better than dead men; but those, who are freed from it, are equal to those who are freed (from death). |
tkl.1.3.12 | If the very names of these Three things, Desire, Anger, and confusion of Mind, be destroyed, then will also perish Evils (which flow from them). |
tkl.2.1.06 | Truly great is the excellence of those (kings) who are free from pride, Anger, and Lust. |
tkl.2.1.11 | The wise will not immediately and hastily shew out their Anger; they will watch their time, and restrain it within. |
tkl.2.1.16 | More Evil than excessive Anger, is Forgetfulness which springs from the intoxication of great joy. |
tkl.2.1.19 | The prosperity of that King will waste away, who without reflecting (on his affairs himself), commits them to his Ministers, and (when a failure occurs) gives way to Anger, and rages against them. |
tkl.2.3.14 | He who neither refrains from Anger nor keeps his secrets will at all times and in all places be easily conquered by all. |
tkl.2.3.14 | Highly to be Desired is the hatred of him whose Anger is blind, and whose Lust increases beyond measure. |
tkl.3.1.02 | The slighting words that Anger feign, while Eyes their Love reveal. |
tkl.3.2.14 | So did I Anger feign, though it must falsehood seem? |
tkl.3.2.14 | Her eye, as I drew nigh one day, with Anger shone: |
tkl.3.2.17 | 3.2.17. Feigned Anger |
tkl.3.2.17 | What all, what all? she instant cried; And all her Anger woke. |
tkl.3.2.17 | She hailed me when I sneezed one day; But straight with Anger seized, |
tkl.3.2.18 | My Anger feigned gives but a little pain; |
tkl.3.2.18 | Within the Anger feigned that close Love s tie doth bind, |
tkl.3.2.18 | In Love, than union s self is Anger feigned more sweet. |
tkl.3.2.18 | With dewy brow; to which feigned Anger lent its piquant grace. |