Page Created by Jijith Nadumuri on 12 Dec 2011 17:44 and updated at 15 Dec 2011 17:12
manaiyarampatutta kaatai
Even kings {araicu} with fame {chirappu} beyond words {urai chaal} envied {vizhai} the huge wealth {tiruvu} of the seafaring merchants {paratar} belonging to the great city {maa nakar} of Pukar, with its immense {kezhu} revenues {payam}. From the foreign lands {naalam} beyond the roaring sea {muzhanku katal}, all {muzhuvatum} kinds of trade goods came to the city. Newcomers enjoyed the hospitality {viruntin} of the city and stayed here for earning great wealth {arum porul}. Its treasure houses {pantam}, full of huge wealth {utai perum}, were well protected from attackers and house breaking theives {orunkuto k kanna}.
The parants of Kannaki having tender flower like eyes {kaya malar kanni} and her loving husband {kaatal kozhunan} Kovalan belonged to such wealthy merchant families {kulam} of Pukar. They were capable of giving away wealth by the measure of a Kalam (pot) or by a quarter {kaal} of it. They were very rich {celvar}, and themselves had many rich tenants {kozhun kuti}. They had heaps {kunraak} of wealth. Pukar was like unto Uttarakuru, where lives people who have done great penance {arun tavam} enjoying immense wealth {tiruvu}.
The couch {amali} with its legs {kaal} studded with jewls {mani}, stationed in the inter space {itai nilam} of the room {maatam} in the upper floor {micai} of Macattuvan's huge apartment {netu nilai} was designed as if crafted by architect Maya {mayan}.
There were smells of water Lilies like Kazhuneer (purple colored water lily), Ampal (white colored water lily) and fleshy curved {muzhu neri} Kuvalai (blue colored water lily). It was mixed with the smell of Lotuses {tamarai} with bees {curumpu} inside coated with fine pollen {arum pu poti}. There were the smell of flowers {puu} lying {vaacam} in the wet fields {vayar} which mixed with the smell of fainted flowers {ayar puu}. It carried the excellent {me taku} smell of the fragrant Screwpine {taazhai} with its white {ven} ear lobe like petals {tottu} ready to blossom {viriyal}. It carried the smell of Matavi {maatavi} flowers growing in bunches like on a woman's hair {kotai} and the smell of Champaka {canpaka} flowers growing in the pleasure garden {potumpar}.
The bees {curumpu}, taking the right opportunity {cevvi paarttu} plunged into flowers that looked like the curly hair {puri kuzhal alakam} of a bright faced {vaal mukam} girl {maatar} and rejoiced {pukal}.
Carrying all the minute smells {mana vaayt}, the bellowing {pukka} southern wind {tenral} crept in {nuzhaintu} along with bees {vantotu} through the closely jointed {kurun-kan} beautiful {kola} latticed windows {caalaram}. The windows were decked with gems {mani} woven on chain threads {maalai taaman} divided {vakuttu} into rows {nirai}.
Seeing {kantu} all these sights , Kama, the god {cirantu} of Love {kaatal}, felt great joy {makizhvu} and sat majastically in his throne {veet irukkam} with splendour {venil} and with his arrows {vaali} made of fragrant flowers {virai malar}. The couples walked up {eri} into the leveled balcony {nirai maatam} of the house {nilai}.
Bees {curumpu} entered into the fresh flowers {narum puu} lying {kitanta} in the bed {chekkai}. Kovalan sketched a sugercane {karumpu} and creeper {valli} figures on the beautiful shoulders {perum tol} of Kannaki. It was a spectacular sigth {kaatchi}, as if the lights {katir} (sun and moon) came and sat togather {orunki irunta}. When the bees {vantu} opened {tirappa} their white petals {vaay} they blossomed {virinta} and reflected the moonlight {netu nilaa}.
The couple wore garlands {maalai} of blossoming {viriyal} jasmine {mallikai} of white petals {ven totu} and garlends {pinaiyal} (made by weaving togather) of red water lilies {kazhu neer}. As they embraced, the full flowers (fleshy and curvy) {muzhu neri} became discolored {piral} and disorderly {taarum} and the garlands {malai} got mixed up {mayanki}.
Looking into Kannaki's glorious face {tiru mukam} and with endless passion {teeraa kaatal}, Kovalan expressed {katturai} himself with playfullness {kuurum} and intention {kuri}:- 'Dear Kannaki, You are beautiful {azhaku} and endearing {arumai} like the infant moon {infant moon} (cresent-moon hidden in the knotted hair) of lord Siva {imaiyavar}! Really {unmai} you resemble {uritu} some sister {utan pirappu} of moon. Your auspicious forehead {tiru nutal} is a gift {taruka} of Brahma {periyon}.
In the battle field {munai akam}, the enemies {ataiyaar} who surrendered {vazhan} their army {patai} without any argument {kuvatu} becomes subordinate {pan} to those who excell {mem patunar} in battle {amar}. In the same manner, Kama of the wide earth {uruvi} surrendered his sugarcane bow {karuppu vil} unto you which became your two dark eyebrows {iru karum puruvam}.
You appear like the goddess of fortune, Lakshmi, who came before {munnar} the Amrita {muuvaa maruntu} (divine nectar of immortality) during the churning of the milky ocean. The army {patai} of Indra, the king {komaan} of the Devas {tevar}, uses for the defence {kaaval} of the Devas {teyva} became your waist belt {alikka}. The Swarga {itai} (heaven) itself became your waist {itai}.
Is it not true {anre} that Murukan, the six faced one {aru muka oruvan}, after rekoning your good nature {iyalpu} which sees {kaanum} both sides of the order {iru murai}, blessed you, despite {inri} his great plans {peru murai}? As a result, his beautiful brilliant long spear {am chutar netu vel}, became those two {irantaa} dark moist eyes {mazhai kan} scribed with red boundary {chen katai}, upon your face {mukam}. Isn't it?'
He continued further:- 'See the peacocks {mannai} with feathers {peeli} looking as if decked with jewels {mani}. They are now closing {ataiy} their eyes {kan}, jelous {itaintu} of your enduring {arku} beauty {chaay}. O damsel Kannaki of beautiful {nal} forehead {nutal}, see the swans {annam} reaching the lucid waters {nal neer} abundant {nani} with flowers {malar} in the field, belittled {azhintu} by your elegant steps {mel natai} and plunging {ceri} into water ! Your gentle {mazhalai} speech {kizhavi} seems to me as a blend {kuzhai} of Pipe {kuzhal}, Lute {yaal} and Amrita {amizhtu} (nectar of immortality) which remove all distress {varuntu}!
See the young green parrots {ciru pachun kili} in despair {aliyataa}! O damsel {maatu} Kannaki of gentle steps {mata natai}, they have in one voice {oru vaa} chosen to inhabit {utan uraivu} forever {neenkaatu} on your flower like hand {malar kai}! Your hair {kotai} is as delicate as fine flowers {naru malar}. Of what use is then your maids who sing your praise {nalam paaraattunar}?
Of what use {anri} is these other {piratu} ornaments {ani} that your own mother {petta tai} adorned you with when your blemishless {maru il} wedding {mankala} ornamant {ani} (pentant) is enough? Why burden your hair {kuuntal} with this big garland {elavizh maalai} while flashing {palir} fine flowers {cin malar} is enough?
Why use the musky Unguent {maan mata chaantu} (kasturi) when the good {nala kil} smell {naanam} of the fragrant smoke {narum pukai} (of frankincense, aromatic resin of boswellia) is good enough to perfume your hair? Why burden your adorable breasts {tiru mulai} with Pearls {muttam} weigting one Kaal (a quarter) while painting in between them {tatat itai} with Sandalwood paste solution {toyyil} is enough?
The weight of ornaments cause your moon face {tinkal} to make pearl {muttu} like sweat drops. It makes your thin waist {ciruku itai} to suffer {varunt}. Why they made you wear {anintu} all these? You are blemishless {maacaru} gold {ponnu}. You are a Pearl {muttu} born from the right spiral shell {valam puri}. You are the finest {kaacaru} fragrance {virai}. O sugarcane {karumpu}! O honey {ten}! O unobtainable {arum peral} statue {paavaay}! O Amrita, the medicine {maruntu} of immortality {aar uyir}!
You are the noble {peru mata} daughter {makal} of a high born {perum kuti} merchants {vaanikan}. Are you a jewl {mani} not born {piravaa} in the gaps {itai} of mountains {malai}? Are you Amrita {amizhtu} not born {piravaa} from in the midst {itai} of the waves {alai} of ocean? Are you a melody not born from a Lute {yaal}! Your dark {irun} hair {kuuntal} weight lower {taazh} than a twig {tai}'
Kovalan expressive words {katturai} never exhausted {ulavaa}. He praised {paaraatti} Kannaki in many {pala} words. He stayed {taruki} with Kannaki having shining {tayanku} hair {kotai}. Intoxicated {mayanku} with love, they spent their blissful {makizhntu} and valuable {celv} days {naal} there {uzhi}.
Kovalan's wise mother established Kannaki, bearing {peri} the beautiful flowing hair {vaar oli kuuntal}, as the mistress {kizhatti} of a big and graceful {perun tan} home {vaalkkai}. She gave her wealth so that Kannaki can, without any objection {marappu aru} and with benevolence {kenmai}, serve the ascetics {ara p paricaaram} and protect {purantar} the guests {viruntu} (as per the custom of a householder) . She united {punarkka} her with a retinue of servants {urimai cuttam}. They had different {verupatu} abilities {tiruvin}. Each were unique {oru tani} and had distinguished {veeru} names {per}.
Some {chila} years {yaantu} passed by {kazhint}. Kannaki became a great home maker of far famed {ir perun} majasty {kizhamai}. She earned the rightful {taku} adoration {chirappu} and enjoyed {tanakku} her life.
Kovalan and Kannaki were like a holy {tuuma} Cobra {pani, skt.phani} and its mate {toyntaal} united {onri} togather. They were like Kama {kaamar} and his wife {manaivi} Rati love locked {kalantu} in each other's arms {kai}. Without deviating {tolaiyaata} from the agreable life of husband and wife {naamam}, those couples {tunninaar} enjoyed their love fest {inpa melaam}. They stayed {ninru} like those who have seen {kantavar} this truth:- on this earth {man mel} life is not permanant {nilai}.